Thursday, May 22, 2014

Short Story

“Ms. White? Ms. White!” My boss shouted from across the room. “Come and speak to me in my office.”

                I exhaled a long breath and slowly rolled my chair away from my desk.  I could already tell that it was going to be a long day.  I used my hands to smooth my dark brown curls and straighten my black pencil skirt.  I groggily stood up and was surprised to see all of my coworkers staring at me expectantly.  Their eyes were wide and their bodies tense.  My eyebrows drew together, was there something going on that I didn’t know about?  I scanned the room, looking for Drew.  My friend met my gaze for a short while, then shook his head and looked down at his computer.  I shook off the negative looks I was getting and walked confidently into my employer’s office.

                “What can I do for you Mr. Banks?” I asked as I clasped my hands in front of me.

                “Sit down, Ms. White.”  Mr. Banks said, barely glancing at me. 

                I reluctantly sat down in one of the two leather chairs facing Mr. Banks extravagantly carved wooden desk.  Various files, photographs, and old newspapers were scattered in front of me.  I noticed how beautiful this room would be if it weren’t for Mr. Banks’ cluttering everywhere.  Mr. Banks stood facing the window, his hand resting on the back of his chair for support.  Mr. Banks wasn’t a very old man; he was probably around fifty years old.  But he had a history of back problems, so he was regularly in a small amount of pain.   

                “Ms. White, I have a problem.  And I was hoping you would be able to help me out.” Mr. Banks turned away from the window and rested his forearms on the back of his chair.  “If I was to tell you that I had an employee that is an excellent writer and a hard worker but refuses to write the things I tell her to write, what would you tell me to do about this employee?”

                I could tell by his sarcastic tone that he didn’t want the question answered.  His demeaning gaze quickly alerted me that I was the one he was talking about. 

                “I mean,” he began again, “if this employee would work on the topics I gave to her, we wouldn’t have a problem.  But unfortunately, that’s not the case.  And Jane,” he said, bringing my gaze up to his as he mentioned my first name, “I’ve already given you several warnings.”

                “I’m sorry sir, I know.  But the issues you’re giving me aren’t relevant ones.  We’re at war, but the only thing you want me to talk about is the overpopulation of rats in the sewers or the increasing number of teenage pregnancies? In what world does that make any sense?” I asked accusingly. 

                “The people of the city are well aware that there is a war going on.” Mr. Banks said fiercely.  “They’re reminded of it every day as we continue to receive more and more bad news.  Our job is to be a distraction from that.”

                “Just because we avoid talking about the war doesn’t make it any easier!  The people have a right to be informed about what is going on.” I said aggressively.

                “Jane!  I’m done arguing with you about this.  If you can’t write what needs to be written, then I’m afraid your contribution is no longer needed here.”  Mr. Banks let out a long sigh and stood up tall.  “You’re fired, Jane. Pack up your things and get out of here.”

                My heart dropped into my stomach, but I didn’t let that show on my face.  I looked coolly into Mr. Banks eyes as I stood up proudly and turned my back on him, slamming his office door behind me. 

                My coworkers avoided my gaze as I strode towards my cubicle.  I calmly began to gather up my things.  I was just putting all of the photographs I had gathered of our enemy into a file folder when the building began to shudder.  I froze, and my eyes scanned the windows around me.  Abruptly, something large thudded the rooftop above us.  Some of my female coworkers cried out in fear and shock.  For a while, all was silent.  We tensed, expecting all of our nightmares to come running at us at any moment.  I noticed Mr. Banks just in the doorway of his office, looking confused and slightly angry.  Suddenly, glass windows burst inward as something flew into the office.  I used my arms to cover my face and dropped onto my knees, ducking underneath my small desk.  Small pieces of glass cut my legs as I went for cover.  My heart began to beat rapidly as questions swam through my head.  Whatever had entered into the office was moving around, slowly.  I tried to gather my senses as I pressed my head to the floor, straining to see the mysterious figure from underneath my cubicle. My heart stopped as my eyes took in the hideous creature that had become so feared.  It was the creature the people of earth had come to call the Thrasher, due to the way it tore down its victims with its gigantic claws and teeth. The Thrasher was tall, about 8 feet, with oily, tough, black skin and yellow eyes.   In all my time spent studying and analyzing these creatures, I never thought I would see one with my own eyes.  But, this didn’t make any sense, what was a Thrasher doing way out here?  The war had been taking place down in South America, how did the creature come so far north?  Before I had time to deduce why, a huge crash exploded from the other side of the room as the Thrasher heaved a cubicle against the wall.  A shrill scream tore through the room as the Thrasher began to attack the owner of the cubicle.  I had never before heard a more terrorized scream.  Soon the scream ended as the Thrasher finished off its prey, piercing the victim through the chest with his long claws.  Panic and fear gripped me, but adrenaline urged me to find an escape.  I jumped as another cubicle was hurtled out of the way of the Thrasher.  The creature growled with satisfaction as it disemboweled another victim.   I nearly screamed when someone rushed to join me under my desk, it was Drew. 

                “What is happening?” he said in a shaky voice. “Jane, what do we do?”

                “I- I don’t know.” I struggled to reply. 

                “Come on, Jane.  You’ve been researching these guys for months; don’t you know anything that could help us?”

                Both of us gripped each other as a body smashed against the wall just to our right; a trail of blood coming from where the body made impact.  I quickly averted my eyes and tried to focus on the task at hand. 

                “We gotta move Jane. It’s coming this way.  Follow me.”

                Drew suddenly dashed out from under my desk and scrambled over to the next cubicle.  Not wanting to be left alone, I hurriedly followed him, praying that the creature wouldn’t see us.   As soon as we were safe, I watched, terrified, as the Thrasher hurled my cubicle out the window angrily. 

                “Come on, Jane, what’s one thing you remember?” Drew begged.

                It suddenly hit me, “Fire.  Thrashers can’t withstand fire.”

                “Great, that’s great Jane.  Okay, I’ll go get some oil and something large we can light up from the faculty room, you go and get Mr. Banks’ lighter.”

                I nodded, and fearfully looked toward Mr. Banks office.  The Thrasher stood between me and his office.  I looked up and saw that Drew was already making his way into the faculty room. 

                Come on, you can do this, I thought to myself.  Not taking time to think about what I was doing, I rushed toward the other side of the room, hoping to weave my way around and back to the main office.  I pushed my legs harder than I ever had before. I flinched at the mangled bodies strewn around me.  I ducked as the Thrasher tossed a file cabinet, nearly hitting me.  I slid into Mr. Banks office and shut the door.  I rushed over to the desk and yanked open drawers until I found the lighter.  Not bothering to check outside, I rushed out to find Drew.  We made eye contact from across the room and rushed toward each other.  The Thrasher saw Drew, and lashed out at him.  Drew cried out and fell to the ground as the Thrasher caught his leg.  Driven my fear for my friend, I dove for the makeshift torch Drew had put together and lit it up in flame.  Slipping from the blood covered floor, I hurriedly stood up and rushed at the beast.  The creature’s eyes went wide as he saw the fire.  I ferociously thrust the burning torch into the face of the creature, and jumped back as the Thrasher went up in flames.   The creature let out a high pitched shriek and withered to the ground, until only a pile of ash remained. 

                I pulled Drew’s head into my lap and gazed out the window to see hundreds of Thrasher aircrafts landing and attacking the city.  The day we hoped would never come had finally arrived, and the people of the city weren’t prepared.  We were under attack, and any chance of survival seemed hopeless.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Space of Three Years

The Space of Three Years

Walking into my room I see my graduation cap and tassel

And I am reminded of the future.

Random items scatter my room that help me to remember

The whirlwind that has been my high school experience.

A mask I bought in Rome hangs above my bed,

Making me smile as I remember the places I’ve been.

My pink alarm clock reminds me of all the early mornings.

My math book strewn on the floor brings back memories of

Hours spent pouring over hopeless problems that seemed to have no answer.

Essential oils resting on my night stand remind me of sleepless nights spent over

Worrying about class projects and the friends that I didn’t have.

My character shoes allow me to reminisce about hours of rehearsal

And the many performances of my musical theater career.

The pink teddy bear with the button nose shaped like a heart

Brings back memories of my grandmother who is now gone. 

I walk towards my window and gaze out at the beautiful sunny afternoon;

Recalling the innocence of youth and how easy everything used to seem.

A photograph resting in my trash can catches my attention.

I curiously reach in and pull it out.

The picture is torn, blocking out the person who I seem

To have my arm around with a smile.

I move the torn piece and recognize the stranger

that used to be my best friend.

My heart feels heavy with regret and I feel sick with sadness.

I toss the image back where it belongs and shake off the feelings. 

A red sweat shirt hanging in my closet brings a smile to my face

As I realize what is still ahead.

I have time to change, to reinvent the girl who watched

Without speaking; who stood for nothing and fell for everything.

College is my fresh start; my golden opportunity to redefine

Who I am, and who I will become. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flash #3

I'm falling through a never ending space; twisting and losing my sense of reality.  Then suddenly, I hit asphalt.  I look up, shocked.  I glance down and hope the clothes we found will work.  I see a building with an old sign faintly reading SHOES. This building is made entirely of brick, and so are most of the other buildings.  At home our buildings are glass, steel, or platinum.  I curiously glance at a street vendors wares, but I can't figure out what it is she's selling. 
Luckily, no one is staring at me.  I seem to be blending in just fine.  I see a child running with what looks like floating balls in bright colors attached to strings.  He lets them go, and they rise toward the sky!  That's against the law of gravity, these people must be more advanced than we thought.  I walk along the coast and look out at the ocean.  Our ocean is much larger than theirs.  I see a woman with writing on her arms.  I wonder why.  Maybe she's a special soldier or some sort of royalty.  Or maybe she's been labeled a criminal.  The writing could be warning people to stay away.  I try to make out what it says but she notices me staring so I hurry off in the opposite direction.  I should stay and investigate this peoples' way of life. Everyone at home will want to know about them.  If I can figure out how to get home. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Flash #2

A young woman walks down a dirt road.  Her brown curls bounce and her books swing in her basket as she hurries along.  She is not late of course, she likes to arrive early.  Conversations stop as she passes, and eyes openly stare.  She, however, takes no notice.  She learned long ago not to listen to gossip.  People would say things like, "Who does she think she is?" or "It really is a pity, what can become of beautiful women like that."  Most of the young men were intimidated by her, and the girls were spiteful. Older women would sometimes grab her hand and say, "You're in our prayers."  She would smile with closed lips and move on without saying a word.  They treated her like she had a disease.  But she was fine, everyone makes mistakes.  Some people's mistakes are just more noticable than others.

Flash #1

Masked men drag my bloodied body down into the dungeons.  My mind urges my body to fight back, but any small movement is agony after the brutal beating I just suffered.  I feel naked without the weight of my sword at my side, and my father's armor as protection. I hear the squeal of hinges and cry out as I am thrown against cold stone.
I wake to a throbbing head and blurred vision. I push myself upright and slip on something wet.  I slowly process that its my own blood.  I strain to remember exactly what happened.  She betrayed me.  How did I not see it? People around me saw it, but I defended her.  She was working for them all along.  She's probably laughing at me right now.
I wonder if they'll torture me tomorrow.  If that's their plan, I won't last long.  But if they wanted me dead they would've done it by now.  No...they want me to suffer.  Killing me would be too easy.
I timidly reach up and feel my back; twenty lashes, given to me by a masked man while she watched.  I look down at my burned torso and arms.  They branded me a dozen times with their symbol.  Even if I heal it'll never go away.  My face is swollen and my lip and nose are crusted with blood.  Panic suddenly grips me and tears threaten to fall from my eyes. How can I hope to live through this?  I can't.  My only hope is that death will take me quickly.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Found Poem

Inevitable Darkness

My daughters trailed softly into time's stretch
through the rioting prayer to death.
My sigh answered the quiet rumbling.
It's out of my savage hands.
I push through the darkened core 
out into the light.